Jogi got qualification for Bundes-FCI
First IPO3 and straight to the winner's podium. Jogi got third place and his qualification for the Bundes-FCI. He and Takker vom Fluchtweg received 93-93-93=279 (SG) on the LG qualifation from LG10. Congratulation!!!
V-litter vom Fluchtweg
Our next litter (Clou de Lupis Fidis x Juli vom Döllenwiesestamm) will be born mid of June.
Our new fellow
Ullmann vom Fluchtweg will be our new dog. :-) Two sisters are still for sale.
Bacardi passed his IPO2
Anja passed with Bacardi vom Full House the IPO2 in OG Rübenach judged by Kurt Lang in der OG Rübenach with 98-92-94=284 (SG). Congratulation!!
Team- and Individual Trainings!!
You or your team needs help for training with the dog? Call me and we schedule a date for individual training to create a handler-dog-team. Training during weekdays is possible also.
Call my mobile 00 49 171 8382269
If your dog needs physiotherapy TEAM RELAX can also be there to check your dog professionelly.
NEW !!! Acupuncture for dogs
Dogsport is Teamsport - My Team
These words I realized every day. All the efforts and high results never came true without friends I trust and supported me.
Thanks to Bart Bellon and the whole Pro Staff Team, my club Teamsport Köln-Poll, especially Norbert Pink, the Team Leichlingen and Knut Fuchs, Sven Viebahn. A special thanks goes to Edi Rübenacker.
Thank you all.
To send a personal message to me, please use this contact formular.
I will answer as soon as possible.
Jürgen Zank / Ringallee 4 / 57635 Heuberg-Kraam / / Telefon: 02242 - 86 79 41 / Mobil: 0171 - 838 22 69