We offer the following seminars:
+++ NEW +++ NEW +++ NEW +++
NEW !!! Physiotherapy and osteopathy in dogs & people
Starting August 2014: Team- and Individual Trainings!!
You or your team needs help for training with the dog? Call me and we schedule a date for individual training to create a handler-dog-team. Training during weekdays is possible also. Call my mobile 00 49 171 8382269
If your dog needs physiotherapy TEAM RELAX can also be there to check your dog professionell.
1) Zuckerbrot & Peitsche (Basic Seminar)
This is not for beginners.It is the basic understanding and foundation of our training.
Content: Switching from manuel and mechanical / to humane animal friendly training. How the dog learns, negative/positive learning.Table top training, activation etc.
2) Protection “construction”
Create a training team. Handler and helper working together to achieve one goal,and that is to have a confident and secure dog.
Content: How the dog learns. Step by step. Theory into practical training. Conditioning positive and negative training.
3) Workshop in B&C.
The seminars “Zuckerbrot & Peitsche” by Jogi, Jens Wicher or Bart Bellon and “protection” is prerequisite. The seminarmembers have to work in our trainingsystem.